It’s Ill-Advised to Count on an Inheritance to Fund Your Retirement

Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, is joined by Managing Associate D.J. Barker, CWS®, and Senior Financial Planner Josh Weidie, CWS®, to discuss a common fallacy among investors—that they can rely on an inheritance to fund their retirement. They discuss the average inheritance and some of the many ways an it could be significantly reduced before passing to the heirs.

Establishing a Legacy of Giving Through Donor-Advised Funds and Family Foundations

Chief Investment Officer Troy Harmon, CFA, CVA, Managing Associate D.J. Barker, CWS®, and Senior Financial Planner Giuliana Barbagelata, CFP®, take a closer look at donor-advised funds and family foundations for significant charitable giving. They compare the two in terms of ongoing fees, donor control, and tax benefits.